Form elements and patterns
A list of Co-op form elements and patterns, and when to use them.
Before designing a page, look at our form principles to check whether a form is needed.
Element or pattern | What it does | Examples |
Buttons | Interactive elements that people can use to take an action. |
Checkboxes | Let people select one or more options from a list, or toggle a single option on or off. |
Date input | Three input fields that let people enter a date. |
Form validation | Tell people why data cannot be submitted and what they can do to fix it. | If someone has:
Radio buttons | Let people select a single option from a list of less than 5 options. |
Select dropdowns | Let people choose an option from a list. |
Textareas | Fields that let people enter long responses. |
Text inputs | Fields that let people enter information. |
Changelog for this page
Date | Notes |
18 January 2022 | First version of page published |
20 January 2023 | Minor content changes |