As part of our commitment to Fairtrade cocoa, we have been contributing funding to Fairtrade Africa’s Women’s School of Leadership (WSOL) since 2017 in Côte d’Ivoire. In West Africa, women represent a significant proportion of the farming workforce and are essential to the sustainability of the entire cocoa industry. . However, women can have limited access to decision making forums and land rights, and additional household responsibilities can mean leadership roles are often out of reach.
In order to strengthen women’s participation and leadership in the management of their communities, organisations and households the Women’s School of Leadership is a training, mentoring and coaching programme which supports women and some men to better understand gender issues and integrate women further within membership and decision-making activities. Through the WSOL, participants are supported to acquire knowledge of human rights and gender issues in their communities, in addition to skills of leadership, negotiation, financial management, entrepreneurship and decision making which enable participants to fulfil leadership roles within their respective producer organisations and communities. Since 2017, the programme has positively impacted thousands of members of the communities in Côte d’Ivoire. The programme has led to students carrying out community awareness sessions, establishing gender committees within their producer organisations and setting up additional income-generating activities. Find out more by clicking here
“I was not aware of my value as a woman, I was not aware of my potential.” KOUAME AYA BEATRICE, Member of ECAKOOG Cooperative and WSOL Graduate (pictured).