Fairtrade flower producers' hero

Fairtrade flowers

Co-op is the largest UK retailer of Fairtrade flowers and in 2023 alone sourced over 71 million stems on Fairtrade terms. In 2018 we became the first retailer to only use 100% Fairtrade roses when sourced from Africa. We were also the first to sign up to the new international Fairtrade Sourced Ingredients model for flowers in 2018. This means when you see either the original FAIRTRADE Mark or the FAIRTRADE Sourced Ingredient Mark on pack you can be sure your blooms have been sourced on Fairtrade terms.

Why not celebrate over 30 years of Fairtrade with a bunch of Fairtrade flowers?

Meet the producer

Watch Grace's story and see how our Fairtrade roses help communities around the world.

Despite being in the midst of the pandemic Co-op stood with us and continued to buy our flowers at a premium price and by doing so we kept our jobs…there are no better words to express our gratitude to Co-op market and Fairtrade, we can only use one word that you are our heroes” Grace Otieno, Flamingo Horticulture, Kenya.

Grace lives in Naivasha, Kenya, where she’s worked as a flower worker at Flamingo Horticulture’s farm for the last 14 years. The farm became Fairtrade certified in 2009 and grows over 100 million beautiful flowers in different colours every year. As a result, they’re one of the biggest producers of Fairtrade flowers in the world.

Grace has seen a lot of positive changes throughout her community through being a part of Fairtrade. After three years in the job, Grace knew everything about how the roses are produced, becoming a true expert in the field and now, Grace says “I have had the opportunity to be a supervisor, an opportunity that women rarely get.

Climate Resilience - FACSCA

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing farmers and workers in global supply chains and has the potential of deepening the vulnerability and poverty context of thousands of farmers and workers. In our supply chain, coffee farmers are highly sensitive to changing weather patterns which are affecting production, yields and incomes.

In 2021, we announced our partnership with Fairtrade Africa (FTA) – as a leading UK investor and partner in driving forward the Producer Network’s climate strategy over a period of 3 years, ensuring a farmer-centric approach to adapting to and mitigating the very worst effects of climate change and channeling funding to areas of greatest need. As the first UK retailer to invest in FTA’s climate strategy, the Fairtrade Alliance for Climate Smart Supply Chains in Africa (FACSCA), we worked with 12 at-risk producer organisations in tea, coffee, and flower supply chains to take meaningful action against climate change for the security of their own livelihoods, environments and protecting the futures of key commodities for the long-term benefit of us all. Find out more by clicking here.

Co-op Wins Climate Leader Award At The First Fairtrade Global Awards

Building Resilience in Flower Supply Chains

During the pandemic, Co-op joined forces with Fairtrade and retail partners to support 6,000 Kenyan flower workers and their families to meet their needs – including for food, nutrition, health support and additional income – to create a more resilient flower industry. Read more here. *This project was match-funded through the Vulnerable Supply Chains Facility (VSCF), a rapid COVID-19 response fund set up by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).